The Thomas Dale Choral Department has a legacy of high musicianship that spans all of its ensembles. All of our choirs perform a variety of styles and genres while learning the foundations of choral singing and receiving an enriching and dynamic music education.
Ensembles perform multiple times a year in concerts at Thomas Dale High School, as well as select performances at school events and throughout the community. Select groups travel to State Assessment each year, where they have consistently received Superior ratings. Select groups have also traveled to local and national competitions, where they've received Superior vocal ratings and other awards, such as: Best Vocal Quality, Best Choreography, Best Show Design, and Best Show Band.
Our Ensembles:
Treble Choir – Freshman standstill choir
UKnighted – Tenor/Bass standstill choir (a.k.a. Men's Chorus) (not currently active)
Madrigals – Competitive, advanced treble standstill choir
Chamber Ensemble – Competitive, advanced mixed standstill choir
Knightingales – Competitive, advanced treble show choir
Knight Scene – Competitive, advanced mixed show choir
MeLadies – Competitive, student-led treble a cappella ensemble (not currently active)
IgKnight – Competitive, student-led mixed a cappella ensemble (not currently active)
Holy Knights – Student-led mixed gospel choir
MidKnight – Show choir band (a.k.a. show band)
Knight Crew – Stage crew for the show choirs
Annual Performance Opportunities:
Homecoming Game – National Anthem (select ensembles)
- Fall Concert
- Winter Concert
- Pyramid Concert (competitive ensembles)
- Various competitions
- District Assessment (select ensembles)
- Spring Concert
- Baccalaureate (select ensemble)
- Graduation (select ensembles)

Our Team
Meet the driving forces behind the Vocal and Choral Departments!

Other Acknowledgements
The Thomas Dale Choral Department is comprised of many talented and devoted people who put their time, talents, and resources into making this program thrive. Our wonderful Choral Boosters, students, parents, and supporters are the main forces that drive our program's success each year.